Holistic Health for Summer Balance

A major seasonal change can affect our mind, bodies and spirits into either further balance or imbalance depending on how we respond. How are you feeling with the intense solar heat of summer accumulating for those who live in the northern hemisphere? Are you in seventh heaven, struggling immensely or somewhere in between? Wherever you may fall on this spectrum, this tends to be a reflection of each of our unique constitutions and can vary dramatically from person to person. I acknowledge with humble gratitude how the profundity of holistic tools support staying at each unique person's level best and love to share this knowledge outwardly with others, too. So, what do we do to take care of ourselves to get through the summer months with grace, health, and fulfillment?

Summer is primarily defined by fire and water elements, also called pitta dosha in Ayurvedic medicine, and they are responsible for transformation and metabolism in the body. The healing energy of this season can be balanced with cooling foods, less intense exercise, protection from the heat of the midday sun and softening intense schedules to stay at our level best. 


Cooling Electrolyte Tea

Makes: 4–5 cups

Begin with adding 2 heaping tsp peppermint into 5–6 C boiling water.

Then add:
Approximately ¼ tsp rock salt
3 tsp unrefined turbinado, sucanat, maple syrup or jaggery sugar (optional: add more for taste)

Boil for 2–3 minutes, water will turn dark.
Turn heat off.
If you use loose herbs, strain. If you use a tea ball, remove.
Squeeze the juice of 1 whole lime and put tea into thermos, or add lime to individual servings.

Do not boil lime juice.

Optional: substitute honey for sugar and add with lime juice after the tea temperature is below 110 degrees. Cooked honey is considered carcinogenic and toxic in Ayurveda.

(Recipe from the Ayurvedic Institute)


Coconut Chia Seed Pudding

Makes: 4 servings
(store in fridge for up to 4 days)

1 fresh coconut and meat
1 cup almonds
3 medjool dates or sweetener of choice
1 tsp vanilla
4 tbsp chia seeds
optional: 2 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut for lots of texture


Soak almonds overnight in two cups of pure water.
Soak the chia seeds overnight in a separate pint size jar with a lid.
Fill the jar with water and shake well a few times.
Drain the almonds and blend with 1 cup water and the dates or sweetener of choice.
Add the fresh coconut and the meat of the coconut. Do not put the chia seeds in the blender.
Put the almond and coconut smoothie in a covered bowl with the chia seeds.
Stir well, cover and refrigerate overnight or at least 5-6 hours.