Ayurveda Healing Autumn Waterfall

Ayurvedic Services

Featured in our Women’s Holistic Health programs

Receive personalized, holistic recommendations based on the natural healing system of Ayurveda that has been practiced successfully for thousands of years. Ayurveda is the one of the world's oldest natural intact healing systems, also known as the universal “science of life and longevity” in Sanskrit, and it creates an optimum environment within your body, mind, and spirit for healing to take place. Ayurveda gives us the tools to enable us to create our own health and well-being. This may include healthy lifestyle adjustments, positive dietary changes, aromatherapy, yoga, and other natural therapeutics. Consultations are held for adults and children online via Zoom or phone as well as locally by appointment.

Initial Ayurvedic Consultation: includes a comprehensive live 90-minute session, pulse reading, tongue assessment, and detailed holistic evaluation of your unique Ayurvedic health constitution (prakruti) as well as temporary health imbalances (vikruti). This also include 60-minutes of independent clinical case study review between your initial and follow-up session. Then, you’ll receive a personalized natural treatment plan to restore your health, well-being and balance in the first follow-up session. Thereafter, we discuss this plan in follow-up consultations where natural therapeutic recommendations are given. We simultaneously teaching you knowledge toward living in optimal health based on the principles of Ayurveda and modern evidence-based holistic health research.

Ayurvedic Follow-Up Consultations: your unique, personalized lifestyle and holistic diet treatment plan to restore health balance is discussed and adapted in regular follow-up consultations over a period of time until a level of maintenance is reached. When you are well established in living an Ayurvedic lifestyle and skilled in applying the concepts independently, consultations transition to meeting less frequently on a seasonal basis.   

Ayurvedic Prenatal Care: highly specialized care for women to go through this delicate, critical rite of passage with more empowerment and support so you are healthy, balanced and confident mothers. Receive lifestyle, clinical herbal, nutritional, Wise Women and traditional Ayurvedic prenatal recommendations to support you to embody the healthiest prenatal experience possible. Common health imbalances such as insomnia, back pain, constipation, low energy, morning sickness and low iron levels are supported with a holistic approach to restore balance. We are an integrative healthcare practice and have been preparing custom clinical herbal blends to support this very delicate and sensitive time since 2016, bringing extensive clinical experience that can easily be combined with any other health support that you choose. We also give comprehensive birth and postpartum planning support that is ideal to prepare for during the prenatal window.

Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula Care: in Ayurveda, the postpartum time is a critical time for the mother to heal and restore her body’s tissues and systems for 42 days, starting with day one of the birth. Ayurvedic physicians say that by taking this needed care during the postpartum time, the mother’s health will be positively impacted for the next 42 years. We give specialized postpartum doula packages to support this very important time, including healing foods during and immediately after labor, super safe customized clinical herbal formulas to support your body’s restoration as well as optimal breast milk quality and quantity, breastfeeding support, bellybinding instruction, specialized restorative massage (abhyanga) therapies, meal planning, herbal sitz bath blends, infant massage instruction, emotional support and education for the mother and entire family, Closing of the Bones ceremony, and other supportive recommendations. We 100% respect and work with any type of birthing environment that you personally choose, including home births, natural birth centers, cesarean sections and hospitals.

Ayurvedic Cleansing: a traditional Ayurvedic practice to feel healthier, release stored toxins, reduce stress in the body, engage in preventive health, and learn lifestyle tools to support holistic wellness. In Ayurveda, it is taught that our bodies, minds, and spirits are significantly impacted during the change of seasons and that preparation for this transition can aid a person to go through it with grace, balance, and flourishing health. Ayurvedic wisdom recommends regular cleansing as a lifestyle twice a year, especially during the major spring and fall seasonal transitions, as long as it’s been safely indicated on an individual basis. *We provide an individual health screening for everyone prior to recommending a safe and appropriate customized cleanse program. In a case where cleansing is contraindicated, such as during the postpartum time until one year after giving birth and in certain health conditions like anemia, extreme fatigue and debilitation, we’ll recommend a more gentle tonification program for several months or longer to prepare your body for a later time to engage in a deeper cleanse.


Examples of health conditions that our Ayurveda, Clinical Herbal, and Holistic Health services can support:

·     Elimination issues such as constipation, diarrhea, food particles in stools, etc. 
·     Weak or high appetite
·     Autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto’s, Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis
·     Migraines
·     Thyroid issues
·     Spiritual unrest
·     Low energy levels
·     Feeling ungrounded
·     Low immunity
·     Skin issues such as acne, psoriasis and eczema
·     Cancer treatments and prevention
·     Diabetes
·     PCOS
·     Weight gain

·     Chronic fatigue
·     Anxiety
·     Depression
·     Hormone imbalance
·     Natural fertility
·     Menstrual concerns such as PMS, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, etc. 
·     Prenatal care
·     Postpartum care
·     Insomnia
·     Digestive disturbances such as IBS, gas, bloating, acid reflux, abdominal pain, etc.
·     Menopause
·     Inflammation
·     Chronic pain
·     Eating disorders
·     PTSD


Benefits of our Ayurveda, Clinical Herbal, and Holistic Health services include: 

·     Graceful aging
·     Harmony of mind, body, and spirit 
·     Healthy skin 
·     Understanding of and engaging in preventive health and wellness 
·     Mental clarity
·     Enhanced intuition
·     Body pain relief
·     Reversing burnout and exhaustion
·     Healthy natural conception, prenatal and postpartum
·     Becoming a member of the Four Seasons Harmony health conscious community
·     Greater ease and ability to focus on other important life goals, such as relationships, career, spirituality and life purpose
·     Connect to and open up your innate creative and feminine gifts
·     Grow in awareness and acceptance about who you are as a unique woman

·     Revitalized energy
·     Strengthened immunity 
·     Enhanced work-life balance
·     Detoxification 
·     Collaborative integrated care for a medical condition
·     Establishing healthy daily and seasonal routines 
·     Learning how to prioritize self-care
·     Optimal metabolism and healthy weight
·     Restoration of balanced health
·     Greater peace, calm, and relaxation  
·     Learning holistic stress-relief techniques
·     Enhanced life stability 
·     Increased self-confidence and self-awareness
·     Comprehensive nutritional and lifestyle education designed for the busy woman
·     Improved life satisfaction and fulfillment

Ayurvedic Terms:
Dosha: combination of the five elements (space, air, fire, water and earth) that support life and maintain harmony in existence, categorized into the three principal Ayurvedic terms of vata, pitta and kapha
Kapha: the dosha arising from earth and water elements; heavy, cool, moist, steady, stable
Ojas: vital energy cushion of the body, supports immunity
Pitta: the dosha arising from fire and water elements; hot, sharp, oily, light, liquid
Prakruti: one’s unique mind-body health constitution; it is like a biological blueprint, and the Ayurvedic DNA that frames who we are in the world
Tridoshic: balancing for all three doshas
Vata: the biological energy, dosha, arising from air and space/ether elements; dry, cool, light, mobile, subtle
Vikruti: one’s current state of health imbalance; unlike prakruti, it fluctuates throughout life, seasons and even throughout the day

unclose lily pad floating in water


Aromatherapy Instruction: learn safe, practical ways to apply aromatherapy at home such as palm inhalation and specific Ayurvedic doshic balancing recommendations. This popular topic is included within the price of follow-up visits and customized depending on each client's interest.

Nasya: soothing and protective herbal infused oil applied in the nasal passages. A traditional Ayurvedic treatment that eases sinus congestion and dryness as well as enhancing the subtle doshas of prana and Ojas. Gentle and safe for children.

Ear Oiling: gentle and effective herbal infused oil applied in the ears. Ear Oiling, or Karna Purana, is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment supporting balance, equilibrium, vertigo, tinnitus, tranquility, mental clarity, and doshic balance. Gentle and safe for children.

Herb, Naturopath, Naturopathic, Holistic, Prenatal, Postpartum, Children, Infant, Fertility, Nutrition, Gift Certificates, Four Seasons Harmony Therapy, Ayurveda, and Healing Harrisonburg, Rockingham, Virginia, DC, Richmond

Ayurveda 101

 Introduction to Ayurveda: the “Science of Life and Longevity”

Ayurveda is a holistic system of healing that is not founded in any religion and is applicable to any person regardless of their culture, gender, or background. Studying Ayurveda can be helpful to understand the foundation of any other modern system of healthcare. The main eight branches of Ayurveda include pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics, ophthalmology, toxicology, geriatrics, general medicine, otolaryngology, and surgery. Today we recognize these as the central branches of modern medicine. Further, massage, diet and nutritional counseling, herbal remedies, psychiatry, polarity therapy, shiatsu, acupressure and acupuncture, plastic surgery, color and gem therapy, kinesiology, and meditation also trace their roots to Ayurvedic practice and philosophy. Working with the laws of nature by applying even a few Ayurvedic principles in your life can make a profound difference in the quality of your health and restore imbalance to balance through natural, effective, and time-tested methods. For example, the revered Nasal Rinsing or Neti Pot is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy that is thousands of years old. It safely cleanses the nasal and sinus passages with warm salt water and is now commonly practiced throughout North America.

Ayurveda recognizes that our health is significantly influenced by our unique, individual constitution, as well as external factors such as the changing of the seasons throughout the year or work events. Understanding how to best make decisions in balance with the rhythms of nature through the ideas of Ayurveda can greatly improve our ability to heal, quality of life, productivity, and longevity. While there are numerous universal recommendations that anyone can apply in Ayurveda, it is considered essential self-knowledge to receive an individualized Ayurvedic assessment. Ayurveda recognizes that what works for someone may be the complete opposite for another person because what restores health and balance to each person is unique. Thus, Ayurveda is a highly individualized approach that is traditionally taught from teacher to student in a close one-on-one mentorship. 

The process of undergoing an Ayurvedic assessment at Four Seasons Harmony includes a 90-minute session, pulse reading, tongue assessment, & detailed holistic assessment of your lifelong Ayurvedic constitution, called Prakruti in the Sanskrit language, and temporary health imbalances, or Vikruti. A personalized treatment plan is discussed in follow-up consultations where natural therapeutic recommendations are given while simultaneously teaching you knowledge toward living in optimal health based on the principles of Ayurveda and modern evidence-based holistic health research. 

After the assessment, your unique lifestyle and nutritional treatment plan to restore wellness is discussed and adapted in regular follow-up consultations over a period of about two years until a level of maintenance is reached. This may include lifestyle adjustments, positive dietary changes, aromatherapy, yoga, self-massage, gentle food-based herbal remedies, exercise, and other natural therapeutics. When you are well established in living an Ayurvedic lifestyle and skilled in applying the concepts independently, consultations transition to meeting less frequently on a seasonal basis. This process is designed to best serve and support your long-term success to realistically maintain health through all of life’s seasons. 

If you wish to learn more about Ayurveda, read on for examples of how Ayurveda can support many specific health conditions as well as its benefits. You can also reach out anytime to Four Seasons Harmony for more information or to schedule a complimentary Breakthrough Session.

Herb, Naturopath, Naturopathic, Holistic, Prenatal, Postpartum, Children, Infant, Fertility, Nutrition, Gift Certificates, Four Seasons Harmony Therapy, Ayurveda, and Healing Harrisonburg, Rockingham, Virginia, DC, Richmond